The Liberated Heart: Healing Collective Heartbreak


This session serves to purge old energy templates around collective heartache and pain as we upgrade into 5D heart-based relationships rooted in Unconditional Love.

It tunes the four chambers of the Heart to clear out outdated programming in our collective fields standing between us and Divine Love to invite in more trust, accountability, reciprocity, transparency, and interdependence. 

Here’s the thing: conflict is inevitable.  It’s not an “if.”  It’s a when.  Some conflict brings us into deeper relationship.  Some conflict ends relationships.  All relationships are co-created and therefore also contain many concurrent, often conflicting, truths and experiences.  Conflict, when navigated with integrity, allows for growth and expansion.  It allows for deeper witnessing and an opportunity to practice unconditional love. 

This session interweaves in the Hawaiian forgiveness practice of Ho’oponopono alongside of the Buddhist practice of Tonglen—a process of witnessing and electively taking on another’s suffering for the purpose of heart expansion. 

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