Integrating Crown and Third Eye Chakra Upgrades


This session piggy backs on last month’s Group Distance Tuning and focuses on integrating the Crown and Third Eye activations we have been receiving through continuous frequency upgrades to our DNA. 

While last month’s tuning focused on integrating our Higher Selves, this month’s tuning will focus more on providing physical relief from the frequency upgrades.  Many of us have experienced brain fog, sinus pressure, headaches, teeth sensitivity, lack appetite, and major fatigue. 

We will be tuning the half step between the Crown and Third Eye to further help with integration and releasing ourselves from the fear of going or being “crazy”—which is a widespread fear in Lightworkers who hold the persecution imprint from being truth tellers and healers of many forms in other patriarchal timelines where these gifts have been punished or perceived as “evil.”  This is another way in which the Divine Feminine is being healed in real time.

We will close the session by tuning the Left Shin, which can be connected to feelings of disassociation and powerlessness to make sure that we are solid in standing our ground and own what we know to be true, even if that truth is not seen or understood (yet) by the collective.


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