Hands, Wrists, and Arms Tuning for Soul Expression


Did you know that the hands and wrists are connected to the 7 main chakras of the body?  It’s true!  No wonder hands on healing is so powerful!

The hands and arms are complex energy centers.  They are connected to the heart and in the yogic tradition are understood to impact our ability to both give and receive love.

They are also connected with our ability to creatively express ourselves and to bring our creative expressions into the world.  When these energy centers are blocked, we are unable to establish a sense of inspired expression and work in the world.

There are so many reasons why these energy centers get blocked—and one of the main ones is connected to the devices you are reading this one!  Cell phones, computers, tablets—any handheld electrical device—are constantly sending out artificial Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs).

This tuning session makes sure that you are fully open to giving and receiving from Universe and expressing your heart desires—and that those creative juices are flowing to make the magic happen! 

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