
Trish’s Spiritual Somatics courses and intensives offer clients a unique opportunity to undergo a customized mentorship with Trish while focusing on their self-specified needs and goals.

Trish completed their Inner Alignment Coaching Training with Kim Beekman in 2018, which is grounded Yogic and Ayurvedic principles, Neuroscience, Somatic Practices, and Soul Retrieval Techniques for releasing the root causes of anxiety and trauma.


Trish’s coaching is ideal for clients who are looking for an alternative to talk therapy and who are seeking a holistic mind-body-spirit approach to undergo deep healing work by identifying unhelpful behavioral patterns and belief systems. By undergoing individualized coaching with Trish you’ll experience major shifts in your life that will bring you back into alignment with your inner truth . . . and you’ll be surprised by the external shifts that flow outward from there.

Trish’s role is a facilitator to hold space and offer tools for you to engage in your own self-healing work. Trish firmly believes that while others can steer us in useful directions, we are ultimately the only ones who can unlock our inner power to bring ourselves back into alignment. It begins with a clear desire to come through for ourselves and commit to outgrowing unhelpful belief systems and behavioral patterns.

These somatic coaching sessions combine breath work, body scanning, somatic experiencing, fear chasing, and an uprooting of unworthiness stories and limiting belief systems to unearth the root causes of self-sabotaging behaviors.

Trish specializes in working with healers still in need of healing childhood traumas and those working to heal their lineage by addressing intergenerational ancestral patterns.